To us, wellbeing is a blend of movement, nutrition, self-love and as we get older, taking extra care of our skin most definitely falls under the same umbrella.  So, we spoke to our friends at Endota Spa about what our Sunshine Coast Reformer Pilates clients can do to keep their skin looking healthy and youthful.  […]


April 28, 2021

Top Skincare Tips for Anti-Aging

Each class makes you stronger than the last and with that strength comes more challenges.  If you’re ready to take your Pilates to the next level, learning how to correctly direct your breath throughout your workout is super beneficial.  We have put together the steps below for you to try at home and then start […]


March 5, 2021

A guide to Pilates breathing

  The first few weeks of starting something new are always the hardest part.  We can all agree on that, but why are positive changes for our well-being so difficult to stick to?  When does it get easier?  How do we know the difference between pushing through and forcing what’s not meant to be?  This […]


March 4, 2021

Creating habits that you actually stick to

When it comes to our health, we are bombarded with so much information and conflicting messages on how we can best optimise our wellbeing.  The truth is, there is not any, one thing that can transform your health.  The way we see it, the more holistic your approach, the better you will feel.  Qualified Naturopath […]


March 4, 2021

4 Simple Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing

If you’ve never joined a Reformer Pilates class at Rejuvenate Pilates, you may have heard a few rumours around what Reformer Pilates is, what it does for your body and who it can benefit. Let us shed some light on the facts behind Reformer Pilates Myths. After decades in the industry, these have been the […]


February 18, 2020

Reformer Pilates Myths – We’ll Share The Facts!

People often look to exercise for improving physical health, although numerous studies have identified that there are also benefits of exercise for mental health.  With almost half of all Australians experiencing a mental health illnesses in their lifetime, it’s an important topic to understand. Here’s a greater insight into the benefits of exercise for mental […]


January 14, 2020

Exercise for Mental Health – The Mind Boggling Benefits

We’ve heard it before, a healthy lifestyle is made up of two things – eating well and exercise. Although to maintain this lifestyle ongoing, beyond just losing weight, you need to drill down to your core emotion of what’s driving you. What is your motivation to exercise? Have you ever stopped to think about why […]


December 17, 2019

What Drives Motivation to Exercise?

A primary focus of pilates is building core strength, helping to create a strong foundation for flexible movement and decrease body aches, pains and injuries. How to get core strength Every exercise in pilates is aimed at learning to engage and work the core. Reformer pilates goes one step further, helping to provide added stability, […]


April 23, 2019

Core Strength – Improving and Maintaining It

Improving your flexibility may currently be on your ‘nice to do’ list but you’ve probably never really thought to make it a priority. I mean, touching your toes is only a cool party trick right? Not exactly… Without flexibility, our body’s movement is drastically restricted.  You can’t possibly train to your full potential and your […]


January 5, 2019

Improve flexibility with Reformer Pilates

An astounding 80% of people understand how deliberating a sore back can be. If you’re reading this now, you’re most likely part of this percentage and suffer from back pain. While back pain is common, it shouldn’t be something that’s ignored, accepted or just lived with. Our backs are the very element in our body […]


November 2, 2018

How Reformer Pilates can reduce your back pain

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