Celebrate with Us: Enter Our Wellness Journey Giveaway!


September 29, 2023

  1. Rhyl Venning says:

    Following the tragic death of my daughter at 25, I stopped caring about myself, my health, my life. Gradually I’ve worked my way back to meaning, purpose and joy, but now my body’s ageing and needs help to get back on track.This programme could be the catalyst needed.

  2. Hayley Paul says:

    A prize like this would be a dream come true. Wellness to me means finding harmony while managing a husband working away, caring for my 80-year-old mother, battling Hashimoto’s disease, working, and juggling kids. A Pilates + Wellness Coaching membership could be life-transforming, offering physical resilience, emotional support, and holistic strategies to thrive. amidst these challenges.

  3. Veronica Pepe says:

    It would an honour to win as wellness means taking time out for me without feeling guilty. I acknowledging my needs. I work 2 jobs (to pay mortgage) while being a carer to my mother who has dementia. Thankyou for this beautiful offer.

    • Janine Burford says:

      In March I walked away from my stressful business, & with it, my reason for being.
      Having been diagnosed with erosive arthritis last week, Netflix and chocolate cake are growing more appealing by the day!
      I want to end 2023 on a high!
      So now is the time for Pilates + Wellness Coaching – to still my mind, rejoice in a new healthy me – and help move this creaky body before it seizes up for good!

  4. Veronica Pepe says:

    It would be such an honour to win as wellness means taking time out for me without feeling guilty and acknowledging my needs while needing to work 2 jobs (to afford mortgage) and being a carer for my mother who has dementia. Thankyou for this beautiful offer

  5. Jules Samuels says:

    Wellness to me means taking the time to look after myself so I can be at my optimal for the important things in my life such as family and work. Stress has been my biggest challenge and Pilates helps me with that. It is now my zen place ❤️

    • Kathryn norman says:

      Wellness to me means a balance of both mental and physical love towards myself. The past year I’ve had to put myself last due to caring for my parents as my dad has dementia, coming to terms with my friend who has terminal cancer while maintaining a loving home for my husband and our two sons. I feel broken and struggling to give the best when I’m running on empty.

    • Susie Massingham says:

      Wellness means taking care of my physical, mental, and emotional health. It means making choices and engaging in activities that promote overall well-being and balance in my life. It means prioritizing self-care and practicing healthy habits such as regular exercise, nutritious eating, getting enough sleep, and managing stress. Susie

  6. Marissa Marcon says:

    Wellness to me is achieving a wholistic balance between healthy eating, regular activity, stress & sleep management, social connections & self-care. Unfortunately the challenges of caring for my two children, working full time, studying and everyday stressors create overwhelm and I lose focus, prioritising less on myself.
    A Pilates + Wellness membership could transform my life and finally get me back in control of my health and address my weight issues, hormonal health symptoms and help prepare my body for open heart surgery.

  7. Mandy Julian says:

    Im scared. I have a heart condition and loose my breath all the time with the slightest moves. I dont know what to do. Maybe rejuvenate can help me with my confidence to give it a try. The word Obese scares the hell out me and I dont want to be in this catagory. Mandy

  8. Vicki Johnson says:

    After sufferring from some personal mental and physical challenges my health has suffered.I am now post injury finding it very difficult to find an exercise regime to help with post injuries.After hearing about the benefits of Pilates I would like to start my journey towards a fitter and happier 72 year old me.

  9. Wellness to me is about balance, self love and community. Reaching out for support when you need to and doing what you can to ground and care for yourself and others.
    2023 has been a year of challenges: a cheating husband, separation, selling up & moving to a new area, getting back into the workforce for the first time in 25+ years, starting a new business, dealing with the emotions of the four kids, my ex staying with my Dad (yes, really!)… Pilates is one of the things that’s keeping me sane!

  10. Lesley Ritchie says:

    Our health is our responsibility. Wellness is about painless physical mobility, positive mental attitude, good diet, contentment and fun. Our parents are living to fabulous ages, and we hopefully will to. We have a responsibility to be the best we can be for ourselves and for our families and friends. Pilates allows me to snow ski, hike, play golf, cycle, play tennis – having fun being health. Sixty is the new Forty.

  11. Jennifer Drysdale says:

    Wellness to me means healthy body, healthy mind. Currently I’m struggling with both due to stress and lack of motivation. “Rejuvenate Pilates”sounds like it could be just what I need.

  12. Helene says:

    As I am working in aged care and seeing the effects of ageing every day, it has really opened my mind to how much we need to act on prevention, especially into our 50’s where you now have to work for what youth gave us for very little effort at all. Wellness to me is a holistic approach to health. Being vibrant, clear, happy and to move with ease and comfort. I joined pilates to support my arthritic back and knees and would love to take it to the next level with the wellness package.

  13. Wendy Cranston says:

    Wellness. I used to have this! However a winter of continuing illness & a debilitating injury has taken its toll. I’m thankful & grateful to finally be back to some physical exercise, but I still have major issues with anxiety, stress & fatigue. This is where the wellness package could really help me; with the combination of mind, & body coaching

  14. Charlotte Radda says:

    To me wellness is balance in all areas of my life. Healthy eating, exercise, healthy relationships with likeminded people, community, sunshine, and a positive mindset. Work-life-balance is a big factor for me also living a balanced lifestyle and therefore I do a 4 day workweek.

  15. Tracy says:

    For the first time in my life I appear to have lost my way. Pilates has helped with my physical being and it’s now time to work on my emotional being, this package would kickstart me into reforming my whole life.

  16. Fiona Gall says:

    The nudge that is very much needed to put myself first in life to help navigate, health, stress, menopause & everyday

  17. Tracey Langton says:

    I have been struggling with peri menopause and weight gain. I currently have passes as that’s what I can afford. I try to attend 2-3 times a week. I’ve tried so many things to help with fatigue & energy issues as well as my weight. I feel like this opportunity might give me the help & boost I need

  18. Caroline Allard says:

    Wellness is feeling good in all aspects of your life. A holistic approach about physical and mental health, as well as ensuring you have a healthy diet, exercise and sufficient sleep to function at your best. It also encompasses emotional and social wellbeing. All this enable you to live a full and healthy life!

  19. Rachel H says:

    My life has completely changed since I commenced at Rejuvenate in January last year. Not only has my outlook on life done a complete 360, when I’m doing my class I don’t think about anything else, it’s the best feeling. I would like to incorporate that feeling into my entire world ❤️😊

  20. Sue Foster says:

    I’m truly grateful I found Rejuvenate Pilates, it not only helped me with the recovery of a Hip Replacement plus a Back decompression operation it has also helped me regain some fitness. But pain does affect your mental health and I would love to meet a wellness coach to talk through diet and health in general 🙂

  21. Desley says:

    Whether it’s giving care lovingly to a very unwell husband or keeping up with 4 boisterous grandsons I have to maintain my own health and emotional well being. Reform Pilates is my HAPPY place!
    I just LOVE it and I will continue to LOVE it!!

  22. Kate says:

    To me wellness is self-care. The last few years have been challenging with the tragic, preventable passing of a very dear family member, moving interstate, and illness. It’s difficult to change my mindset from putting my family first, although I know my healthy lifestyle, or self-care, will positively impact on me and my relationships.

  23. Roslyn Papandrea says:

    Wellness not just a healthy routine eating healthy exercising but embracing life listening to your body an taking time for yourself when needed weather it is meditating reading a book taking a walk listening to your favourite pod cast or a long soak in a bath with your favourite oils to help you physically an mentally

  24. Cathryn Luckmann says:

    Wow – what an incredible community of courageous women writing such powerful messages. I have been traveling with my 4 children, husband and Cirque du Soleil for nearly 20 years which gave us access to amazing Pilates/Exercise coaches. On a world scale I would rate Rejuvinate Pilates as one of the best. I am now on sabbatical and Rejuvinate is where I have chosen to do this. Because no matter what is happening in the outside – inside is where we often need to focus care. We all deserve Wellness! Bon courage à tous!

  25. Sue Pender says:

    Wellness is prioritizing you and finding time to focus on self care and self love.
    After experiencing a tough few weeks and a challenging time with a mental breakdown of a family member and now facing redundancy from my job, following a new empowering journey will help refocus my life.

  26. Rebecca Simpson says:

    Wellness encompasses four main areas; emotional, physical, spiritual and social wellness. These four branches are more often that not neglected and not prioritized, as life is busy and parents are bottom of the priority ladder! Pilates is a time which allows me to work on all four branches at the same time in order to help me grow. Having a coach to assist in the winding road to wellness would be a special and motivating experience.

  27. Linzi Smith says:

    Wellness to me is about trying to find Wellness to me is attempting to find a Wellness to me is about finding some balance for ‘the woman who wears all the hats!’ Wife, mother, homemaker, chef, friend, employee, carer, fur mum etc. and the woman who tries her best to put herself on her own to do list instead of forgetting herself all together. 🥰

  28. Lindsey says:

    Wellness to me is about trying to find Wellness to me is attempting to find a Wellness to me is about finding some balance for ‘the woman who wears all the hats!’ Wife, mother, homemaker, chef, friend, employee, carer, fur mum etc. and the woman who tries her best to put herself on her own to do list instead of forgetting herself all together. 🥰

  29. Wellbeing is our natural state, anything else is because we are not allowing it – by blocking it with opposing thoughts and actions. It’s most important to have fun, to be loving and kind, in that order. 🥰

  30. Wow what a game changer that would be!!!
    Wellness to me is glowing inside and out, and it all starts with physical activity that’s good for the soul.
    Recently turning 50 I’d really appreciate the chance to have my body in tip top shape to help carry my mind into the future. Pilates would be a huge step forward as it’s gentle on joints and tones the muscles
    Thankyou for the opportunity to enter.
    I hope to join your team soon 🌻

  31. Rosalie Wruck says:

    Since joining Rejuvenate Pilates I have found not just improved strength flexibility and mobility but a welcoming positive and proactive community who have encouraged and supported me through not just my back surgery abut the little challenges of everyday life. I would love to be able to give the time an opportunity for this life changing program to my daughter who has been struggling through a difficult divorce, depression and the challenges of raising her girls as a single parent . What an impact it would have on their future to have their mum find her self through this coaching program.

  32. Christine Williams says:

    W: wonder women
    E: energy
    L: loving life
    L: laughter
    N: nutrition
    E: enthusiastic
    S: sexy
    S: strong

  33. Dolores Ryan says:

    Challenges to financially keep committing to attending classes
    Membership would keep me connected with like minded friends made at Pilates
    Kicking goals staying motivated and balance for mind body and soul
    Wellness means self care and being the best version of myself for myself and family and work family

  34. Vicki says:

    Wellness to me is taking a Wholistic approach to our emotional, physical & spiritual health. Keeping that balance can be challenging at times & due to our busy lives as women, we face many hurdles along the way. We all have a different story & such busy lives, working full time, caring for either our elders, children & grandchildren, can be stressful at times. Self care is hugely important, if we aren’t healthy either emotionally or physically, everything falls apart. That’s why I love my 45 minutes if Pilates, just for me. Plus I get to meet new people & come away feeling energised, & strong both physically & mentally. Thankyou Rejuvenate🌸

  35. Jude says:

    Wellness to me is nurturing mind, body and soul – no one component thrives without the other. Anxiety is my demon – Pilates has been my saviour. As a 69yo solo currently traversing with my 95yo Mum the final chapter of her life, the support and strength I have gained from the Rejuvenate family has been humbling. A Wellness membership I know would further strengthen me to add a healthy mind to continue this journey called life.

  36. Lisa Jordan says:

    Having developed Osteopenia, I’ve had several fractures, weak core and pelvic strength along with low energy levels, my challenges are; motivation, commitment, confidence, budget and social anxiety. I feel pilates program and a wellness coach membership will help me overcome these barriers and positively create new life long healthy habits.

  37. ali every says:

    Wellness is the challenge of at 57 aligning mental, emotional & spiritual balance. To have a strong body to carry it in would be the icing on the cake! To find a like minded community to achieve my goal would be magical! To me wellness is completeness!

  38. Valeria says:

    Wellness, it’s finding a balance in all areas of life, having a healthy mind, healthy body and for me very importantly connecting with a calmness inside me to cope with all that life throws at me. The opportunity you are giving clients to have wellness coaching warms my heart as I am certain it will benefit all that embrace it.

  39. Lindsey says:

    Last year I was diagnosed with a rare neurological disorder and since then, I have made my health and wellbeing my main priority. To me, wellness means finding a place where you truly feel healthy, energetic, at peace and ready to take on any stressors that life throws at you.

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